Muse: The enigmatic Mona Lisa has intrigued millions .jpeg   
這名婦女名叫潔拉迪妮(Lisa Gherardini),16歲嫁給知名絲綢商,婚後生了5個小孩,在丈夫死後,在人生最後4年搬到修道院住,死於1542年,享壽63歲,她的遺骸據悉被埋在一座前中世紀女修道院內。
Resting place: The courtyard of the Saint Ursula convent in Florence, where archaeologists have been digging for the last two weeks .jpeg  Cameras ready: Researchers dig into the underground tombs inside the convent while a crowd of media watches for discoveries .jpeg  
義大利考古學家溫切蒂(Silvano Vinceti)表示,「我們不知道這些遺骸屬於一個還是多個人」,「但是這可以證實我們的假設,修道院底下面確實埋有遺骨,潔拉迪妮的骨骸極有可能在其中。這與我們的初步研究結果非常契合。」
Key discovery: An Italian archaeology team has uncovered a skull it believes to be that of the woman who posed for Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa .jpeg 
Enigmatic find: The human bones found at the excavation site in the Saint Ursula convent in Florence are thought to be those of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo .jpeg  
考古團隊表示,他們將試著重建她的真面貌,並與達文西蒙娜麗莎畫作做比較。團隊發言人羅瑪諾(Stefania Romano)表示:「任何發掘到的遺骸,隊裡DNA專家會檢查其DNA,並將結果與潔拉迪妮後代的DNA做比對。」


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